Dreams in the Night
Kay Sky
この魅惑的な曲「Dreams in the Night」は、街の明かりが点滅し、影が踊り、囁きが空気を満たす世界へとあなたを連れて行きます。 「Dreams in the Night」は、夢を見続け、成長し続け、内なる光を輝かせることを促します。

Dreams in the Night
Kay Sky

Kay Sky
活動エリア Tokyo
I started making music under the influence of a Spanish musician friend.
I started playing an instrument at an early age because we had an electone at home.
I was exposed to classical music from kindergarten.
I'd like to continue to make good music.
The first song I wrote was “The Light of Hope.
Excellent Collaborator Patrick
Collaborator Denis